
Will Howe is a Freelance Designer & Design Director based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK specialising in Brand Design, Graphic Design, Website UI & UX design and Shopify


Growing up with digital art & animation as welcome distractions to his industrial design schooling, Will found his passion for creating digital content naturally led to him pursuing a career in freelance design. Nowadays, with nearly two decades of commercial experience behind him, Will relishes the eclectic mix of projects he’s involved with; whether he’s helping to build identities on & offline for start-ups or working with big brands & agencies on web & graphic design projects including the likes of Nickelodeon, Mini Cooper and P&G.


Clean, user-friendly design & bold, iconic brands

Will’s keen eye for detail has always defined his work, giving him a deep understanding of the aesthetic requirements across all media


Driven by insight, characterised by simplicity

he delivers fresh, effective & unique creative design solutions


Fresh thinking

Always challenging himself and his clients to do things differently, believing that’s what turns good work into great

