Photo Editing
in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK by Freelance Designer Will Howe
Professional photo post production & compositing
Image manipulation for creative advertising & photography from an experienced commercial designer & passionate photographer

Professional Photo Editing
Colour correction, HDR fine tuning, stitching, blending, masking & general day-to-day retouching
Photography Retouching
Mask out make-up blemishes, remove people from landscape scenes or colour correct your photography
Photo Compositing
Stitching panoramas, Blending multiple shots or creating new graphic arts pieces by creating a creative collage of photos together
Post Production
Subtle post production on photography from an experienced graphic designer & passionate photographer
Graphic Arts
Create new brand visuals for marketing and marketing collateral with a piece of bespoke visual artwork based on photography
Photo Manipulation
Optimise your photography for your target market across your website, social and offline channels
Digital Art
Create artwork from your photography with the potential of photo editing & graphic art design
Photoshop Editing
Mask out make-up blemishes, remove people from landscape scenes or colour correct your photography